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 1. This tweet is the most liked and retweeted in the COP26 network 23 September 2021 .

    • Welcome #BLACKPINK to the UN family! 💗 20K

2. For those wanting action on #climatechange, the tweet from the Secretary General of the UN is depressing but honest:

    • We are weeks away from #COP26, but seemingly light years away from reaching our #ClimateAction targets. 💗 1801

3. From @MidiaNINJA journalist at NINJA (an acronym for Independent Narratives, Journalism and Action) – reporting of the fires in Brazil

Most popular hashtags @COP26

In the cop26 network, Blackpink has constantly received the highest number of likes and retweets.  They are an important part of the UN climate change division.

A consistent #climateaction message from blackpink is to use Ecosia

Most liked tweet in @COP26 network

un_news_centreygofficialblinkWelcome #BLACKPINK to the UN family!
They have engaged with @COP26 to encourage young people to take #ClimateAction to protect the planet and were appointed today by Secretary General @antonioguterres as our new Sustainable Development Goals #SDG advocates.@ygofficialblink

Most liked tweets @GlobalCitizenLive

  • Most liked tweets #globalcitizenlive
coldplaysanchezcastejonPrime Minister @sanchezcastejon 🇪🇸  — the smallest economies are those most affected by #climatechange.  But #climateadaptation funding from major economies is much too low. Please lead the way at #COP26. #GlobalCitizenLive 💚8595988
coldplayemmanuelmacronPresident @EmmanuelMacron:  6 years after the Paris agreement, #GlobalCitizenLive is coming to Paris. Your leadership is key to progress ahead of #COP26 & your #EU presidency. 🇫🇷💚3284248

All tweets from @Blackpink sent to COP26

globalblackpinkblackpinkBLINKS WORLDWIDE~ Are you still planting trees using @Ecosia? This search engine will plant one tree every 45 searches.💚 Let us support #BLACKPINK on call for action on Climate Change! 🌍 🖇 🌳#ClimateAction  #COP26#ClimateActionInYourArea @BLACKPINK
globalblackpinkblackpinkBLINKS WORLDWIDE~ Are you still planting trees using @Ecosia? This search engine will plant one tree every 45 searches.💚 Let us support #BLACKPINK on call for action on Climate Change! 🌍 🖇 🌳#ClimateAction  #COP26#ClimateActionInYourArea @BLACKPINK
blackpinkglobalygent_official📺WATCH: HMA @SimonSmithFCDO discusses our work with @BLACKPINK calling for #ClimateAction ahead of #COP26#TogetherForOurPlanet 🌏🌍@NewsArirang | @ygofficialblink @ygent_official | #BLINK
globalblackpinkecosia[ CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA ]🌍 BLINKS~ Are you active in planting trees using @Ecosia? 45 searches will plant 1 tree.💚 Support @BLACKPINK on call for Climate Change action!🖇 🌳#COP26 @BLACKPINK#ClimateActionInYourArea
globalblackpinkecosia[ CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA ]🌍 BLINKS~ Are you active in planting trees using @Ecosia? 45 searches will plant 1 tree.💚 Support @BLACKPINK on call for Climate Change Action!🖇 🌳#COP26 @BLACKPINK#ClimateActionInYourArea
globalblackpinkecosia[ CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA ]🌍 BLINKS~ Are you active in planting trees using @Ecosia? 45 searches will plant 1 tree.💚 Support @BLACKPINK on call for Climate Change action!🖇 🌳#COP26 @BLACKPINK#ClimateActionInYourArea226106
globalblackpinkecosia📢. BLINKS ~ Let’s all be ACTIVE in planting trees using @Ecosia a search engine on that profits from ad clicks to plant trees (45 searches for one tree). 🖤💗🖇 🌳CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA#ClimateAction  #COP26#ClimateActionInYourArea @BLACKPINK
globalblackpinkecosia[ CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA ]🌍 BLINKS~ Please participate daily in active tree planting using @Ecosia? 45 searches will plant 1 tree.💚 Support @BLACKPINK on call for Climate Change action! 💪🏻🖇 🌳#COP26 #ClimateActionInYourArea @BLACKPINK
globalblackpinkecosia📢. BLINKS ~ Let’s all be ACTIVE in planting trees using @Ecosia a search engine on that profits from ad clicks to plant trees (45 searches for one tree). 🖤💗🖇 🌳CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA#ClimateAction  #COP26#ClimateActionInYourArea @BLACKPINK
blackpinkglobalblackpinkWe all know that Blackpink is also one of the Brand Ambassadors of Tokopedia. Let’s promote a healthier world. Let’s take action for a greener future! #ClimateActionInYourArea #COP26′ #BLACKPINK #블랙핑크 @ygofficialblink @BLACKPINK7433
globalblackpinkblackpinkSpecial Message from: @BLACKPINK “ROAD TO COP26: PH-UK TOWARDS A PLASTIC-FREE FUTURE” 🌱🌍 👉🏼 DAY WITH BLACKPINK! 🌍#COP26 #PlasticFreePH 🖤💗  #ClimateActionInYourArea 🌳
globalblackpinkblackpink[ 📺 ] .@BLACKPINK is set to give a Special Message on “ROAD TO COP26: PH-UK TOWARDS A PLASTIC-FREE FUTURE” at 11:45AM – 12NOON PHILIPPINES! Stay tuned BLINKs! Link below! 🌱 🖇 DAY WITH BLACKPINK! 🌍#COP26 #PlasticFreePH #BLACKPINKInYourArea 🌳
globalblackpinkblackpinkSpecial Message from: @BLACKPINK “ROAD TO COP26: PH-UK TOWARDS A PLASTIC-FREE FUTURE” 🌱🌍 👉🏼 DAY WITH BLACKPINK! 🌍#COP26 #PlasticFreePH 🖤💗  #ClimateActionInYourArea 🌳
blackpinkglobalecosiaBLINKs! Have you used @Ecosia browser already? For every 45 searches, one tree is planted. Support #BLACKPINK in their call for action on Climate Change!🔗 🌳CLIMATE ACTION IN YOUR AREA#ClimateAction  #COP26#ClimateActionInYourArea @BLACKPINK
blackpinkglobalecosiaHave you been using @Ecosia search engine since we got introduced to it? Let’s help plant trees (45 searches for one tree) by clicking into it.🖇 CALL FOR ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE #ClimateAction  #COP26#ClimateActionInYourArea #BLACKPINK @BLACKPINK745484
globalblackpinkblackpink#BLACKPINK Appointed Ambassadors for the United Nations Climate Change Conference [Official] & received a handwritten letter from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the UN Climate Change Conference 🌎🌱#ClimateAction #BLACKPINK#ClimateActionInYourArea#COP26 @BLACKPINK
blackpinkglobalcop26.@BLACKPINK is appointed today by Secretary General @antonioguterres as The new Sustainable Development Goals #SDG advocates of UN!

They have also been engaged with @COP26 to encourage young people to take #ClimateAction to protect the planet.

So proud of our ROLE MODELS! 🤍

globalblackpinkblackpinkThe United Nations family welcomes #BLACKPINK as they were appointed today as the new Sustainable Development Goals advocates by @antonioguterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. 🌍

#SDG #ClimateActionInYourArea @COP26 @BLACKPINK

globalblackpinkblackpinkTHE BLINK PROJECT (BLACKPINK 5TH ANNIVERSARY) via @YouTube

#ClimateAction #ClimateActionNow #COP26 #BLACKPINK @BLACKPINK


Top 100 tweets using #UNGA


noticiasonubts_twt💠@BTS_twt moviliza a los jóvenes por los #ObjetivosMundiales en la #UNGA

💠La cumbre #COP26 contra el #CambioClimático  corre el riesgo de fracasar

💠El 90% de los países de las Américas han vacunado al 10% de su población contra el #COVID19

borisjohnsoncop26This week at #UNGA I will be making the case that a global recovery from the pandemic must be rooted in green growth.

We only have a short time left. World leaders must deliver on their climate commitments ahead of @COP26.


antonioguterresantonioguterresWe are weeks away from #COP26, but seemingly light years away from reaching our #ClimateAction targets.

We need more ambition from all countries in three key areas — mitigation, finance and adaptation.

We must get serious.  And we must act fast.  #UNGA

borisjohnsoncop26Future generations will judge us on our actions in the coming months.

We must not fail them.

@COP26 | #UNGA

midianinjamidianinjaSPREAD THIS: This is the truth about Brazil that the world needs to see. Share this video that exposes the hypocrisy of Bolsonaro’s UN speech today. #bolsoliar #amazonorbolsonaro #unga
cop26cop26📢 NEWS: 100 political Heads of Government have confirmed their attendance to The World Leaders’ Summit at #COP26.

This is the largest political gathering that the UK has ever hosted 🇬🇧

#ClimateAction | #UNGA

unfcccunGood news to coincide with this week’s @UN General Assembly : 15 sectors of the global economy are meanwhile shifting the dial on climate, with over 20% of their major companies joining the #RaceToZero greenhouse gas emissions.



trusslizmevlutcavusogluThe 🇬🇧🇹🇷 partnership is vital. Good meeting with @MevlutCavusoglu at #UNGA to discuss:

🛡 Economic & security cooperation
🇦🇫 Working together on Afghanistan
🕊️ Progress towards a just & lasting solution for Cyprus

Look forward to seeing President Erdogan in Glasgow for @COP26

noticiasonubts_twt🎙️@BTS_twt moviliza a los jóvenes por los #ObjetivosMundiales en la #UNGA

🎙️La cumbre #COP26 contra el #CambioClimático  corre el riesgo de fracasar

🎙️El 90% de los países de las Américas han vacunado al 10% de su población contra el #COVID19

10downingstreetcop26World leaders have a small window of time left to deliver on their climate commitments ahead of @COP26.

The UK will be making the case for action on climate change this week at #UNGA

vonderleyencop26All 🇪🇺 leaders speaking at the #UNGA roundtable said that they will step up climate finance before @COP26 with special attention to adaptation.

With 🇩🇰 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇩🇪 🇸🇪 #TeamEurope committed to help close the $20 billion gap.

sanchezcastejonsanchezcastejonNuestro país va a contribuir con 30M€ al fondo de adaptación para la emergencia climática en 2022. Vamos a trabajar para que la COP26 sea un éxito. Hay que poner a las personas en el centro de nuestras decisiones y por ello abogamos por una transición ecológica justa.
pespinosacpespinosacWith little time left until #COP26, billions around the world look to their leaders to make the bold & courageous decisions necessary to finally implement the Paris Agreement.

We cannot let them down.

My message at the opening of #ClimateWeekNYC today. #UNGA

cop26cop26The power sector accounts for a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions 🌏

To meet the #ParisAgreement goals, we need to move away from coal and towards clean power about five times faster than at present.

#COP26 | #ClimateAction | #UNGA

erna_solbergnorwayunNorway’s new target is to cut emissions by at least 50 % by 2030. More countries, especially large economies, need to raise their ambition level ahead of #COP26  #UNGA @antonioguterres @norwayUN39877
cop26worldresources📢 NEWS: @WorldResources report reveals that urgent #ClimateAction from the #G20 can get us three-quarters of the way to limiting warming to 1.5°C.

At #UNGA and in the run up to #COP26, the UK is calling for countries to make new ambitious commitments to reduce emissions.

10downingstreetcop26Today the Prime Minister called on world leaders to do more to help developing countries deal with climate change and reach the $100 billion target in the #ParisAgreement.


@COP26 | #UNGA

cop26unWhat #ClimateAction must world leaders take during the @UN General Assembly 👇

#COP26 | #UNGA

aloksharma_rdgaloksharma_rdgIt is clear the writing is on the wall for coal power

I welcome 🇨🇳 President Xi’s commitment to stop building new coal projects abroad – a key topic of my discussions during my visit to China

At #COP26, we must consign coal to history


cop26cop26The next decade is decisive.

We must follow the science and embrace our collective responsibility to keep the goal of 1.5°C within reach.

But how do we keep 1.5 alive at #COP26? 👇

#ClimateAction | #UNGA

cop26cop26Check out our new Climate Finance Tracker 👇

So far only… 6⃣0⃣ %

…of the top 20 developed countries have made  commitments – beyond 2020 – to help raise $100bn a year to support developing countries.

All developed countries need to come forward well before #COP26.


climateenvoypespinosacI join @PEspinosaC and the @UNFCCC in calling on all parties to the #ParisAgreement to put out new, more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) ahead of Glasgow @COP26. #UNGA7628786
aloksharma_rdgpotusStrongly welcome @POTUS further doubling 🇺🇸climate finance commitment to over $11bn by 2024

This demonstrate the increased ambition required to deliver on the $100bn/year goal

We must build on this momentum


cop26cop26How can the international community support countries on the frontline of #ClimateChange? 👇

#COP26 | #UNGA

carolinelucascop26Some really positive news from #UNGA ahead of #COP26 – brilliant to have this formalised
Now we need a clear timeline for the phase out of domestic coal too, since China generated half of all global coal power last year  @COP26
cop26ipcc_chThose who face the worst effects of climate change have done the least to cause it 🌍

The recent @IPCC_CH report was a stark reminder that we must take critical #ClimateAction ahead of #COP26 to avert, minimise and address loss & damage for those on the frontline.


palazzo_chigipalazzo_chigiIl Presidente Draghi è intervenuto in videoconferenza al #ClimateMoment della 76° #UNGA che si svolge a New York.  Un’occasione di confronto tra i principali protagonisti dell’azione globale nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici #ClimateAction #CWNYC #COP26
vonderleyencop26The @COP26 will be a moment of truth for all of us.

The EU has committed to climate neutrality and delivered a clear, comprehensive roadmap on how to get there, with the #EUGreenDeal

Major emitters need to have such concrete plans in time for Glasgow. #UNGA

cop26un#UNGA is a critical moment for our planet 🌍

At the @UN General Assembly, the UK #COP26 Presidency will be calling for urgent global #ClimateAction.

Find out more 👇

fcdogovukukun_newyorkAt the 76th @UN General Assembly, the UK will be calling on international partners for urgent & collective #ClimateAction as we build momentum towards @COP26.

Only by working together can we secure global net zero.

#UNGA | @UKUN_NewYork | #ForceForGood

aloksharma_rdgaloksharma_rdgEvery country I have spoken to since I became COP President Designate has said they want #COP26 to be a success

Today at #UNGA countries made clear we have further to go

I am grateful to the most vulnerable who challenged the #G20 to urgently increase their climate action

cop26unfcccThe #UNGA Climate Roundtable will bring world leaders together to accelerate #ClimateAction and deliver on the commitments of the Paris Agreement.

But what is the “Paris Agreement”?

The @UNFCCC climate dictionary has you covered 👇


cop26cop26📢 NEWS: The UK is investing £550 million into the Climate Investment Fund and UK PACT to help tackle #ClimateChange globally.

This funding will accelerate clean energy generation and reduce emissions and poverty worldwide 🌍

#COP26 | #UNGA

selwinhartantonioguterresFully agree with @antonioguterres: It’s not too late to keep alive the 1.5C goal, but the window is rapidly closing.

With only a few weeks until #COP26, national leaders must spare no effort to save lives & livelihoods. Now is the time to get serious & act fast!


ukun_newyorkborisjohnsonWorld leaders have a small window of time left to deliver on their climate commitments ahead of @COP26 🌎

The UK will be making the case for action on climate change this week at #UNGA

🇬🇧 Prime Minister @BorisJohnson ⤵️

palazzo_chigipalazzo_chigiPM Mario Draghi has addressed the #ClimateMoment of the 76th #UNGA taking place in New York, via video conference. An opportunity for discussion between the main players involved in global action to fight climate change #ClimateAction #CWNYC #COP26
cop26cop26Why do we need to increase #ClimateAction on loss and damage 👇

#COP26 | #UNGA

cop26aloksharma_rdgToday @BorisJohnson, @antonioguterres and @AlokSharma_RDG hosted a meeting of world leaders on #ClimateAction.

They called on developed countries to do more to help developing countries deal with climate impacts 🌏

#COP26 | #UNGA

vanderbellenvanderbellenOur planet 🌍 is in a state of emergency. We need to live up to our responsibilities. Every nation has to do its share. There is no more time to lose.


fijipmcop26The science is in and the alarm is rung –– the world is not doing enough to cut emissions.

#UNGA76 must set us towards a successful @COP26. Let’s be clear what success means for those most vulnerable: commitments to net-zero global emissions sooner than 2050, zero excuses.

cop26svanweyenberg“We call on…major markets to join forces in committing to 100% of new cars and vans being zero emission by 2035”

On #ZeroEmissionsDay, @GrantShapps and @svanweyenberg call on world leaders to drive the shift to zero emission vehicles 👇

#COP26 | #UNGA

eucopresidentcop26$100 billion were promised on climate finance.
It is now a matter of trust and transparency between developed and developing countries, but also between major economies to deliver on these promises.We call for everyone to honor their commitments ahead of @COP26. #UNGA
cop26ukef📣NEWS: Today @UKEF has announced its commitment to going carbon neutral by 2050 as part of its new Climate Change Strategy.

Ahead of #COP26, the UK will increase its support for clean growth and renewable exports

Find out more 👇

#ClimateAction | #UNGA

dchilcottfcdocop26We welcome the announcement that Turkey 🇹🇷 will move ahead with the ratification process for the Paris Agreement. Huge congratulations to Turkey for this important step towards a better world 🌏, ahead of @COP26

#TogetherForOurPlanet #UNGA

carlosecorreaecop26En la inauguración de la 76º #UNGA el presidente @IvanDuque contó cómo llegaremos a la @COP26 con el compromiso de ser una #ColombiaCarbonoNeutral a 2050. #EconomíaCircular, #TransiciónEnergética y la defensa irrestricta de la amazonía, serán fundamentales para lograr este reto.
francescoroccafrancescoroccaThe massive spending in #COVID19 recovery proves that governments can act fast and drastically in the face of global threats. It is time to turn words into action and devote the same energy to the #ClimateCrisis. The climate crisis is here and we need to act now! #COP26 #UNGA
cmnuccantonioguterres“Nuestro mundo se enfrenta a retos como nunca antes. El #CambioClimático, los conflictos, o la #COVID19, nos alejan de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Sería fácil perder la esperanza. Pero aún no estamos perdidos”.
@antonioguterres#UNGA | #CWNYC | #COP26
canintlcanintl🧵on two key announcements yesterday at the #UNGA from major emitters:

🇺🇸 to double its previous climate finance pledge &
🇨🇳 to stop building coal plants overseas.

While the details on both are awaited they are important signals ahead of #COP26. 1/n

bwoodward_unborisjohnson#UNGA is the last big moment on the international calendar before #COP26🌏

#ClimateAction is the UK’s top priority

As Prime Minister @BorisJohnson  has said, we need urgent progress on:

We will use every opportunity at UNGA to make this happen 🇬🇧🇺🇳

klausiohannisklausiohannisTogether, we will reverse biodiversity loss by #2030. The time to act is now! Together, we can stop climate change. #COP26 is a milestone in this regard. RO🇷🇴 backs EU’s leadership on climate change & its ambition to lead on nature restoration. #UNGA #TheRaceIsOn #NaturePositive
tariqahmadbttariqahmadbtDelighted to be here in New York for #UNGA

Greatly looking forward to engaging discussions with friends and colleagues on topics ranging from Afghanistan to #COP26.

geo_savvidoucop26How much #climatefinance has been provided to nations in #Africa for #adaptation? Did it reach the most vulnerable countries? Join me in this thread to explore those, and more, questions 👇  #UNGA @COP26
ferminkoopcop26Dos noticias importantes de #UNGA de hoy de cara a la @COP26. Estados Unidos va a duplicar el financiamiento para la mitigación y adaptación del cambio climático y China no va a financiar más centrales a carbón en el extranjero. Falta mucho, pero son pasos significativos4511
forumsecpalaumissionWaiting on our first Pacific Forum Leader to take the plenary floor  for this weeks High-Level statements for  #UNGA76. Alii to HE Surangel Whipps, President, Republic of Palau  @PalauMission #SDGs #oceans @COP26
unbiodiversityfijipm“Humanity is not above nature — we are part of it. And the arrogance of thinking otherwise is costing us dearly.”

— @FijiPM at the high level event on Transformative Action #ForNature and People at the #NatureForLife Hub



mahirilgazmahirilgazSo Turkey is finally ratifying #ParisAgreement before #COP26, and will adopt a “carbon neutrality” target as well. #UNGA76398
fcdoarabiccop26أمام زعماءالعالم نافذة صغيرة من الوقت المتاح للوفاء بالتزاماتهم بشأن معالجة تغير المناخ قبل انطلاق #قمة_العمل_المناخي26 @COP26

#المملكة_المتحدة سوف تبرر الحاجة للعمل لمعالجة #تغير_المناخ هذا الأسبوع في الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة

unochaunochaJoin #TheHumanRace to demand world leaders at #UNGA keep their $100 billion climate promise. Do it for the planet and the people who live on it. Sign up now. #COP263918
unbiodiversityswedishpm“#COP15 and #COP26 need to bring the transformative change necessary to set us on a path to a sustainable future.”

@SwedishPM at the high level event on Transformative Action #ForNature and People at the #NatureForLife Hub



erikamouynescop26Es un honor reafirmar el rol de las mujeres en la lucha contra el cambio climático junto a Mary Robinson expresidenta de Irlanda, @mfespinosaEC expresidenta de #UNGA y otras mujeres líderes del mundo. Gracias a @GWLvoices por convocar este importante diálogo previo a la @COP26.
nakabuyehildafrestlessdevThe #ClimateCrisis forced me to risk my education and fight for everyone’s, now I make my voice heard.
Join us tomorrow 22 Sept at #UNGA76
9am ET / 2pm BST / 4pm EAT / 6.30pm IST
🔗 Register here: @UNYouthEnvoy @RestlessDev @COP26
sabranoordeenpotus‘Every nation needs to bring their highest possible ambition to the table at #COP26’ – @POTUS

#UNGA #ClimateChange

un_spokespersonantonioguterresAhead of #COP26, @antonioguterres tells leaders: don’t wait for others to make the first move. Do your part.

#UNGA #ClimateAction

leonickrobertschrislittlecottAs promised following yesterday’s new from #UNGA, we’ve done a bit more digging into the implications of President #XiJinping’s groundbreaking announcement on the end to Chinese support for building #coal overseas. @e3g @chrislittlecott 1/n
icrc_nycicrc_nyc“I worry about #ClimateChange”

Send a video or tweet to tell us: #WhatkeepsYouUpAtNight?

#UNGA #UNGA76 #ClimateWeekNYC #COP26


8. Speaking about COP26, the U.N. climate conference that will start at the end of this month in Glasgow, Guterres called for more ambition in the critical areas of mitigation, finance, and adaptation.

#COP26 #Glasgow #UNGA #climatefinance

denmark_unjoebiden🇺🇸’s president @JoeBiden highlights the global challenge of the #climatecrisis in his speech addressing the 76th #UNGA

🇩🇰 is committed to increase the ambitions for our climate and work together with 🇺🇳 and 🌍now and at #COP26!

Let’s together cease this #DecadeofAction💪

ulkoministerioulkoministerioOn the road to COP26, join 🇫🇮 and other champion countries at #UNGA76 Accelerating Adaptation Finance event, as they push for stronger quantity, quality & better access to climate finance for climate vulnerable countries.

📍 Wed at 4 pm CET, register at

karenpierceukcop26So welcome @POTUS’ announcement during his #UNGA address that the United States will double its contribution to aid the world’s most vulnerable countries in their efforts to combat climate change.

The lead up to @COP26 is a vital moment for 🇬🇧& 🇺🇸 leadership on climate action.

lindacultureantonioguterresMajor announcement from China at the #UNGA “we will not build new #coal fired power plants abroad”. China clearly seeking a leadership role in the run-up to #COP26. Phasing out coal by 2030 is vital as UNSG @antonioguterres stated clearly. All eyes on you new German government 😉
sujeevshakyasujeevshakyaForeign Minister appointed to fly to #UNGA
Minister for Forest and Environment to be appointed week before #COP26
Minister for Women to be appointed on March 7th,2021 to be able to inagurate Women’s Day program on March 8th.
uaeclimateenvoycop26Great pleasure to reconnect with @ClimateEnvoy @JohnKerry to strengthen our cooperation on #climateaction and the economic and social opportunities it presents. We also discussed the goals of our joint initiative #AIMforClimate which is set to launch at @COP26 #UAExUNGA76
vanderbellenotpgy#UNGA is a good opportunity to advance the preparations for #COP26, as here in my talk w/ Pres. Mohammed Irfaan Ali @OTPGY of #Guyana. We know that renewable energy is a key element in solving the #ClimateCrisis. Happy that 🇦🇹 is supporting Caribbean States in this field. (vdb)
susannegoetzederspiegelIch will ja nicht schwarzmalen, aber wenn der Uno-Generalsekr. Guterres sagt: »Wir sind Lichtjahre von unseren Zielen entfernt«,dann wird es eng.Gleichzeitig komplett surreale Reden u.a. von Brasiliens Präsidenten Bolsonaro #UNGA76 #cop26 via @derspiegel288
phil_batyphil_batyThese universities are leading the way with their commitment to climate action. #THEglobalimpact #SDIS21 #SDG #COP26 #UNGA #SDG13
Full list:
fcdogovukfcdogovukTo adapt to #ClimateChange, vulnerable countries need:

📈 increased quality & quantity of climate finance
💵better access to finance for adaptation

At #UNGA today, the new Champions Group on adaptation finance committed to accelerating finance for adaptation ahead of #COP26.

rkyte365laurencetubianaThe thing you need to read before you listen to @POTUS at @UN #UNGA76 Tuesday with other world leaders. Climate change is a common enemy the US and China must fight together HT @LaurenceTubiana #COP262614
metofficemetofficeScience is crucial in our global response to #climatechange🌍
2021 #UnitedinScience finds that temporary exceedance of the 1.5C is possible in the next few years
#MetOfficeCOP26 | #TogetherForOurPlanet #GetClimateReady
#ClimateAction #UNGA
lindaculturelindacultureUS President Biden announced at #UNGA that he would “double climate finance again, including for adaptation efforts”. So this means $11.4bn – not their fair share but a crucial step in closing the climate finance gap and on the road to #COP26
sfrcdemspotusI laud @POTUS’ #UNGA plans to double U.S. climate aid by 2024. Aligned w/ my U.S. CLIMATE Act, the new pledge demonstrates our climate leadership & commitment on the world stage. Collaborative climate finance is key to supporting developing countries’ goals as #COP26 approaches.
uaeclimateenvoycop26Thank you @AlokSharma_RDG  for the productive meeting on accelerating #ClimateAction through #innovation, #technology and renewable energy. We look forward to furthering our goals at @COP26 #UAEforClimate #UAExUNGA76
unepdtuunJoin us for a @UN #HLDE2021 side-event on #EnergyEfficiency knowledge gaps.
Improving energy efficiency is a low hanging fruit in #ClimateAction and #SDG7. But, there is a lack of systematic review of skills and knowledge available.
#dkaid #UNGA #COP26
edking_iedking_iThe future of green jobs is in Brazil…’ – just tuned into #UNGA to hear Bolsonaro on a strong #climate riff… utterly disconnected with the reality of an increase in Amazon deforestation and an appalling new #COP26 plan
repcastendollyparton🚨LIVE momentarily with @JonLemire to talk about @POTUS’s speech at #UNGA, the incredibly high stakes for climate action ahead of #COP26, and why I’ll pay a tribute to @DollyParton on the House floor at 10 am this morning to wrap up #HotFERCsummer.
kidanarayakidanarayaChina at #UNGA just announced no new coal projects overseas. China is the biggest external funder of coal projects in Africa – this will have ripple waves across the continent. Attention African #COP26 negotiators: ask for more $$$ to support a just transition for coal workers.
saludclimabmj_latest🌎🏥✍️🏽La Revista Argentina de Salud Pública se une a 233 revistas médicas que exigen acciones de emergencia para proteger la #salud ante el #cambioclimático en editorial conjunto #HealthyClimate #ClimaSaludable @bmj_latest @COP26 #UNGA
caneuropecaneurope⚡️BIG news!
🇹🇷 Turkey intends to ratify the #ParisAgreement before #COP26Announced yesterday during #UNGA. “#Turkey will need to take more substantial climate action between now and 2030”- Özlem Katısöz, Policy Coordinator for Turkey at @CANEurope.
helengrantmpcop26Today I met @UNICEF youth advocates & climate activists Priyanka and Isabelle. At just 15 and 20 years old, they are working to find solutions for climate change, to help keep girls in school.

We discussed #UNGA & @COP26, where 🇬🇧 will be driving progress on climate action.

asteinergmunozabogabirMet with @topnigel and @gmunozabogabir, High-Level Climate Champions for #ClimateAction. Every fraction counts to limit warming to 1.5°C and build resilience of the most vulnerable. We are committed to working together on the road to #COP26 and beyond for #RaceToZero. #UNGA
zmilisicsuluhusamiaSpeaking in NY at the #UNGA76 during a pre-event for #COP26, President of Tanzania 🇹🇿 @SuluhuSamia highlighted how the effects of #ClimateChange, like drought, are already affecting countries like 🇹🇿 where the most of the population depend on sectors like agriculture & fisheries.
kaminajsmithsvenjaschulze68Also on day 1 it was good to join the Climate & Dev Ministerial Roundtable for impt stocktaking on the road to #COP26 w/ @AlokSharma_RDG @DavidMalpassWBG @yannickglemarec @svenjaSchulze68  Ministers and Ambassadors of Antigua & Barbuda Costa Rica Maldives Rwanda and UAE #UNGA76
ukinparaguayonu_esEstas son las prioridades de Reino Unido 🇬🇧 en la próxima Asamblea General de la @ONU_es 👇🏻

Es crucial que líderes de todo el 🌎 demuestren su compromiso con la #AcciónClimática

#COP26 | #UNGA

theelderstheeldersWe welcome President Xi’s announcement at #UNGA to end overseas coal finance, and step up China’s renewable energy offer to developing counties. Next test will be hearing about China’s NDC on its domestic emissions ahead of #COP26.
can_la_can_la_📣Comunicado de CANLA
¡Ante la crisis climática es urgente elevar la ambición YA!✊
Para no sobrepasar el límite seguro de 1.5°C los países deben redoblar sus esfuerzos, hacemos un llamado a mejorar sus compromisos climáticos.
📲 #UNGA76 #NDCs
ukun_newyorkcop26At #UNGA this week, the UK will be calling on international partners for urgent #ClimateAction as we build momentum towards  @COP26 🌎

Only by working together can we secure global net zero.

🇺🇳🇬🇧 #ForceForGood

colin_m_rantonioguterresImportante interacción #UKCOL2021 🇬🇧🇨🇴 hoy en el marco de #UNGA. Nos alegra ver a @IvanDuque y a @BorisJohnson hablando con @antonioguterres y otros países sobre temas clave en especial de clima antes del #COP26. #ThePowerOfPartnership
4post2020bdpresidenciacr“Science says: to protect our existence, we need to protect 30% of land & seas. 70+ countries joined the @HACfornaturean1 by 2021, but we need to raise momentum up to @UNFCCC #COP26 & @UNBiodiversity #COP15”

@CarlosAlvQ 🇨🇷 President of #CostaRica @presidenciacr


althecatcop26As nations of the world meet in NYC at #UNGA discusses Climate Change cooperation in advance of @COP26 there is a monster low pressure circulation/storm over Eastern parts of Europe.

And the weather forecast for the next five days looks a little hairy.

germanyunjochenflasbarthToday @jochenflasbarth took part in the Informal Leaders’ mtg on Climate during #UNGA. He has the #COP26 co-lead for a delivery plan on climate funding. After the meeting he said: “Substantial steps have been taken today, but we need to do more to get to our $100 bn/year goal!”
uaeclimateenvoycop26التقينا اليوم معالي لويجي دي مايو وزير الخارجية الإيطالي في اجتماع مثمر ناقشنا خلاله فرص تعزيز العمل المناخي خلال الاجتماع التحضيري @PreCOP26ITA في ميلانو و @expo2020dubai و مؤتمر @COP26 في جلاسكو، ونتطلع لمواصلة العمل بهذا الشأن.