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  • The above is a sample of the ‘inactive’ Facebook ads used within the last month by the New Zealand National Party as it heads into campaign mode.
  • A similar style of communication can be seen in its tweets (15-25 June).
  • Finding an effective strategy is a challenge, but is polarizing issues the most effective approach? Will it determine the best policies for New Zealand’s future?

Weekly Report of Twitter Activity

Background info on dashboard

This dashboard is based on the analysis of the following twitter accounts:

  • @jacindaardern and @nzlabourparty
  • @ToddMullerBOP and @nznationalparty
  • @Maramadavidson @jamespshaw
  • @WinstonPeters and @NZ_First

The analysis identified tweeters who tweeted to, mentioned, retweeted or replied to any of the above twitter handles. The data from these networks was obtained from Twitter on  25 or 26 of June 2020.

Additional tweets that were mentioned in these data sets were also collected from prior time periods.  These tweets may expand the complete time period of the data.

Points of Interest

  • @JacindaAdern @nzlabour
    • Both networks reflect the nationally and internationally positivity towards Jacinda’s leadership style.
    • The #watch dominates @nzlabour and is the clip of Jacinda responding to the recent ‘covid’ border issues.
    • Tweets from @nzlabour are around their successes:
      • managing Covid19
      • Two-minute challenge video of achievements
      • Trade packages
      • Firearms legislation
      • Training and apprenticeship packages
      • A decrease in the prison population
      • Write off on tax bills that are less than $200
    • There are no tweets from Jacinda Ardern
  • @WinstonPeters @NZ_First
    • @WinstonPeters – the most liked tweet relates to the topical issue of colonialism
    • For some reason, hashtags @NZ_First are predominantly about vaping
  • @nzgreens @jamespeshaw and @maramadavidson
    • Social issue hashtags are dominant for both leaders (e.g. #blacklivesmatter)
    • Tweets from leaders and the party celebrate nzgreens achievements in:
      • Closing loopholes in the RMA Act
      • Outlawing female genital mutilation
      • Voting rights for prisoners
      • World refugee day
      • Protection of Maui dolphins
      • Moves towards a carbon-free port at Wellington
  • Location
    • While very few tweeters provide location data – Labour and Jacinda have the highest international group of tweeters.