“Over 4 million on #Climatestrike today. If you belong to the small number of people who feel threatened by us, then we have some very bad news for you: This is the just the beginning”.
- This is part of the tweet from Greta Thunberg. Of all the tweets she has sent this is the one that received the most likes 💗 190.3K.
- It is truly amazing how the #climatestrikes are such a force in holding politicians accountable for taking action on climate change.
- The most-liked tweet in the fridaysforfuture network states:
Early numbers confirm at least 7 million people joined the #weekforfuture climate strikes! Thank you everyone, especially the local organisers! The #weekforfuture is one of the biggest global demonstrations in history. This is just the beginning! @gretathunburg 28 September 💗 72K
Frequency of Hashtags used in #FridaysForFuture
Tracking the hashtags over the last 9 months there are many issues that FridaysForFuture have drawn attention to – the ones that are the most shared most consistently in the top 6 (excluding Fridays for Future) key messages for the group are:
- #climatestrike (41k)
- #climateaction (25k)
- #fightfor1pointfive (5k)
- #mindthegap (13k)
- #facetheclimateemergency (26k)
- #nomoreemptypromises (24k)
and more recently
- #uprootthesystem (21k)
Activism is a defining feature of #FridaysForFuture – specifically #climatestrike.
The geolocation data shows that climate strikes are prevalent within
- Germany,
- Netherlands
- Nordic countries,
- UK
- Ireland
but less prevalent in
- France,
- Portugal, and
- Spain.
However, with 108 countries are currently listed as taking part – this is a major force for change.